'Are you not Ruler over all...of the Nations.' 2 Chronicles 20:6 NAS
This country we call 'home,' exists only by God's permission and power. 'He made from one man every nation...having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation' (Acts 17:26 NAS). In the final analysis summit conferences don't shape the geography of countries, God does. Leaders don't determine the future of countries, God determines the hearts of leaders. 'The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes' (Proverbs 21:1 NKJ). The stubborn will of the most powerful politician can be directed by God as easily as a farmer reroutes a shallow canal on his farm.
Remember the account of Cyrus, King of Persia? When God wanted the Jews to return to Jerusalem He simply prodded him to make an 'official announcement' (Ezra 1:1 TM). God not only set the Israelites free from 400 years of slavery in Egypt, He caused their captors to equip them with supplies.'[They will] load you down with gifts...so...you will [not leave] empty-handed' (Exodus 3:21 TLB). That would be like post-civil war plantation owners signing their cotton fields over to the slaves.
If we enjoy a great economy, personal freedom and a high tide of justice, we don't limit our thanks to politicians. No, we thank God: 'He makes nations great, and destroys them; he enlarges nations, and disperses them' (Job 12:23 NIV). Tally this up. God sets national boundaries. He determines leaders. He dispenses blessings. And we are the privileged recipients of each and every one of His blessings. Can we afford to forget this? Only at a terrible risk!
One dead in stabbing in French city of Mulhouse
President Emmanuel Macron said there was "no doubt it was an Islamist
terrorist attack".
7 minutes ago
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